Mavericks Among Us

Information d'avantage sur la paternité

Earlier this month, 15-year-old Swedish dynamo Greta Thunburg made headlines when she gave a calm but impassioned speech to world leaders at a UN climate change summit in Poland, shaming them for their lack of action on climate change.

"You are not mature enough to tell it like is,” said Thunberg in her speech. "Even that burden you leave to us children.”

It can take a Maverick to shake things up and make change happen. This past fall, our profession lost three such inspiring change makers: Jack McKenzie, Donnie Williams, and Earle Zeigler. Each made a huge impact in their fields, within their communities, and among their colleagues. Their shoes won’t be filled any time soon, but they’ve inspired a generation who'll strive to carry on their good work.

Fittingly, many of the articles in this issue focus on new ideas and fresh perspectives. The peer-reviewed “Run, Jump, Throw! Getting Adolescent Girls on the Go” takes a close look at what motivates teen girls to take part in physical activities.

“Five Sources of Inspiration for the New Year” is a collection of videos, youtube channels, websites and podcasts, all offering ideas and resources for a more engaging classroom in the months ahead.

Our community spotlight this issue focuses on Jenny Mitchell, a B.C. teacher whose passion for sports and whose leadership has made a huge difference in the lives of her students.  

Sometimes, it takes just one committed person to make a few waves, and those ripples can be felt across an entire school, community or even a country. This issue, we offer thanks to the mavericks who came before us and salute the change makers who right now are doing their best to inspire and improve the lives of Canadian children, one student at a time.